Quina hora és?

dimarts, 5 d’agost del 2008

An Antropological introduction to youtube

Michael Wesch, antropology professor from State University of Kansas, presented at the Library of Congress, in June 23rd 2008, a video presentation on how YouTube has led to the development of new forms of self expression. Questions like privacity, media network, love, human relationships, etc., are changing with this new internet era are discusses.

Also, how to make your videos popular is explain. For more information you just need a click.

And what else...?

dilluns, 4 d’agost del 2008

Fête du vin de gaillac

This week-end in the central south of France takes place "la fête du vin de gaillac". All wineries from Gaillac present their best wine. Gaillac claims to be the oldest French wine after those of Languedoc and Provence. They are made of the grape varieties Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Duras, Fer or Syrah.

You can get all the information about that wine exhibition and some more things with a simple click.

And what else...?

divendres, 1 d’agost del 2008