Quina hora és?

dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2009

A history of a son and his father

This is the history of a son and his father. One day, the son told his father: "I would like to run a marathon, would you do it with me?", and he said yes. Later, the son asked his father again for a marathon and they run it together. Finally, the son wanted to run an Ironman thriatlon and his father said yes! I just want to remind you that an Ironman consist in a race composed by 2.4 miles swimming, 180Km biking and a marathon running!! It is one of the most beautiful things that I ever seen in internet, just be prepared to cry!

What else...?

2 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...

Great video! Really nice history!

valen ha dit...

vaya merda de video